Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hardware Issues Already??? Really?!?!

I have been following a lot of articles about the iphone 5 and this is the one that really caught my attention. It wasn't the specs, not the software, and not the upgrades, it was the initial problems! I read an article at GSMARENA and it was about a chipping issue with regards to the Iphone 5's aluminum shell.

Ok here's the deal i'm really not an Apple fan nor am I a hater, but hey nothing's perfect. Oh well too bad, it's another point on that "why I shouldn't buy the iphone5 list".

So apparently the black&slate models are having this popular issue right now, maybe it's because they said the white ones aren't really that popular yet. It looks like they've been so much on the hurry of releasing the iphone 5 that quality control didn't really have enough time to check the units before they entered the box. Yes my dear readers they were right out of the box, not upon usage.

so called dents of the iphone5 right out of the box

I know this won't stop you from buying the phone and if you are one of those eager and die hard iphone fans who don't really care about this kinds of stuff here are some solutions you can do about this problem. 

1. Buy a casing for the phone. 
2. Buy a white unit ( at least nobody's complaining about the white units yet )
3. Have the whole phone Laminated ( just kidding but it might work. )
4. Have it replaced apple would be willing to replace the damaged unit right?
5. Black markers! use black markers! haha or maybe those scratch pens that they show on those infomercial channels!
6. Wear gloves always when holding your phone, you could never be too careful.
7. OR don't hold the phone at all!

Ok sorry bout that I got a little carried away, was just kidding with some of them. apple will always be willing to replace those right out of the box defects like this, they have warranties right? but what if you ordered it abroad? it would take a whole lot of time and patience to get your new phone. But hey! this are just minor problems right? it's the Iphone5!

Let me repeat that I am not an Apple or Iphone hater nor a fan, I would love to buy an Iphone 5 if I had the means but I don't, and I'm also a very meticulous and practical person with regards to the gadgets that I buy. So hey! as I always say! don't hate! appreciate!.

checkout they have a lot of nice reviews on gadgets and other tech stuff!

Well comments are greatly appreciated, if you have the same issues please do share, it will greatly help others. Til next post!

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